Thursday, September 19, 2013


Alright, a few housekeeping things. Something Short and Snappy is now also on tumblr as well as blogger! It will be run by Will. We will not be transferring the full archives, although moving forward everything will be cross-posted between here and there. This is Will's punishment for refusing to be on twitter thing because I'm bad at technology.

On a less fun note, I am going on hiatus until January 2nd. Will's Sunday Ender's Game posts will not be affected by this. There will still be occasional Thursday posts. Either from Will, a guest post, or myself. I will still post on occasion if there is something topical that I want to write about, but by and large I will step back for the time being. I will still be on twitter, and in the comments (probably a little more now than before) but between struggling with my health problems, work complications, and getting ready to get married in two months (and then the holidays right after) it's best if I take a step back for now. The plan in this time is that I will get back to writing features, edit the crap out of it, and come back with a buffer of high quality, ready to party posts. I'll come back with what I estimate to be a 4 part series on the 3rd 50 Shades book, and then I'll start running a deconstruction of Eat, Pray, Love.

I am sorry to have to prioritize like this, and I will miss you all, but my body is a traitorous asshole. I hope you will all have learned from my posts and now see how you too can add snark to your every day life. Until the January 2nd my dear readers!


  1. Some advice from someone who's been there recently: I swore I wouldn't go on haitus until the week before my wedding.... I was on autopilot by two months before, stopped posting altogether a month before, and still haven't resumed normal posting a month later. With the holidays and all, be sure to give yourself more time than you think you'll need -- feeling like you HAVE to jump right back in the game OMGRITENAO can be incredibly stressful! If you don't get your buffer done, don't feel bad about it -- mental health is more important than internet blogging. Take care of yourself!

  2. You deserve to take as much time as you need! Don't apologize! (I'm a new reader who came and stayed for your 50 Shades of Crapola deconstruction) I hope you begin to find improvements in your health, especially with a wedding looming. Hopefully you're able to abate the stress that many people find come from that alone! 500 thousand billion oodles of respect to you and can't wait until you resume posting! Will is definitely a sufficient solo blogger in the meantime.

  3. no problem, I'm sure the Ender's Game posts will tide us over in the meantime :-) relax, recharge, renew. It's all good. take care of yourself first.

  4. I started reading your blog because of your 50 Shades deconstruct. You are awesome! That whole series should have stayed where it started-bad fan fiction! It made me so happy to see someone else shared my feelings.

    Best of luck with your wedding and your health. I don't know all the details, but I get chronic migraines and fins that often the "cures" are worse than the problem. I hope you can find some relief from it all.
